A known prophetic book in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible is the book of Isaiah (Yeshayahu in Hebrew). It contains the written prophecies during the 8th century BCE throughout his life. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel (the suffering servant) and other nations, the coming of the Messiah, and the establishment of G-d’s kingdom on earth. Isaiah is known for his poetic and eloquent language, and his prophecies have had a profound influence on Jewish and Christian thought throughout history.
Chapter 21
Isaiah Chapter 21 Proves Yet Again That G-d Alone is In Control Be It For Good or Bad
Sin Come In Different Packages
– Individual or size of an empire or nation
– Macro or Micro
No one can escape or outsmart Hashem, G-d.
“Babylonia Downfall In Prophecy”
A prophecy concerning the Wilderness of the West. Like windstorms sweeping through the desert, it will come from the wilderness, from a fearful land.
For thus said my Lord to me: God, station the lookout, and let him tell what he sees.
Behold, it is coming: a chariot with a man, a pair of horsemen. And exclaims, ‘it has fallen! Babylonia has fallen! All the statues of its gods have been shattered on the ground!
The Watchman said, ‘Morning is coming, but also night. If you seek [then] seek, repent and come.’
A prophecy concerning Arabia: In the forest in Arabia shall you lodge, [you] caravans of Dedanites.
For they will wander because of swords; because of the outstretched sword, because of the drawn bow and because of the severity of war.
… for Hashem, the God of Israel, has spoken.
1 The harsh prophecy of the western desert; like tempests in an arid land, to pass, coming from the desert, from an awesome land.
2 A harsh prophecy was told to me; The traitor shall be betrayed and the plunderer shall be plundered; march, O Elam, Besiege, O Media! All sighs have I brought to an end.
3 Therefore, my loins are filled with trembling; pangs have seized me like the pangs of a woman in labor; I have become confused from hearing; I have become frightened from hearing.
4 My heart has strayed; fright has terrified me; the evening of my desire He has made for me into trembling.
5 Setting the table, setting up the lamp, eating, drinking; “Arise, princes, anoint a shield!”
6 For so has the Lord said to me, “Go, set up the lookout; what he sees he will tell.
7 And he shall see a chariot with a pair of riders; one riding a horse and one riding a camel, and he shall listen attentively.
8 And the lion called, “On the watchtower, O Lord, I always stand by day, and on my watch I stand all the nights.
9 And behold this is coming, a chariot of men, a pair of riders.” And he called out and said, “Babylon has fallen, yea, it has fallen, and all its graven idols he has dashed to the earth.”
10 My threshed grain and the product of my threshing floor. What I heard from the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, I have related to you.
11 The harsh prophecy of Dumah: To me one calls from Seir, “Watchman, what will be of the night? Watchman, what will be of the night?”
12 Said the watchman, “Morning has come, and also night. If you will request, request. Return and come.”
13 The harsh prophecy concerning Arabia: In the forest in Arabia did you lodge, on the roads of your cousins.
14 Toward the thirsty they bring water; the inhabitants of the land of Tema with his bread they came before the wanderer.
15 For, because of the swords they wandered; because of the outstretched sword, because of the bent bow, and because of the pressure of war.
16 For so has the Lord said to me: “In another year, like the days of a hireling, all the glory of Kedar shall terminate.
17 And the rest of the number of the bows of the heroes of the children of Kedar shall decrease, for the Lord, the God of Israel has spoken.”
(Audio Bible)
Seek Hashem. Call Upon Him.
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The Book of Micah (Michah in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible). Micah, who lived during the 8th century BCE during the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel. Micah’s prophecies address social justice, the condemnation of injustice, the coming judgment of G-d on Israel and other nations for their sins, and the promise of a future restoration and redemption. Micah’s prophecies are known for its powerful outlook and emotional intensity.
The Book of Nahum (Nachum in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible).
Prophet Nahum, who lived during the 7th century BCE. The book primarily addresses the judgment of G-d upon the city of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, for its arrogance, cruelty, and violence. Nahum’s prophecies are known for their vivid descriptions of Nineveh’s destruction and their emphasis on G-d’s justice and sovereignty.

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