A known prophetic book in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible is the book of Isaiah (Yeshayahu in Hebrew). It contains the written prophecies during the 8th century BCE throughout his life. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel (the suffering servant) and other nations, the coming of the Messiah, and the establishment of G-d’s kingdom on earth. Isaiah is known for his poetic and eloquent language, and his prophecies have had a profound influence on Jewish and Christian thought throughout history.
Chapter 13
Isaiah Chapter 13 on G-d’s Agent to Do Harm and Evil; You Can Be One on a Smaller Scale
Feeling Proud?
Don’t be.
G-d may use you for a negative cause or reason. In a way that He blesses, He also curses.
Babylon and its empire is just one of those on the list.
*Note another false teaching from the church of having satan as the entity or subject being describe of Nebuchadnezzar in the latter chapter.
“Prophecies Regarding The Nations”
“Babylonia – Its Downfall”
I have commanded My appointed ones; I have also summoned My warriors to [execute] My wrath. to be exuberant over My grandeur;
… Hashem, Master of Legions, is assigning officers for the legion of war.
They come from faraway land, from the end of the heavens — Hashem and His weapons of anger, to devastate the entire land.
Wail, for the day of Hashem is near; it will come as a sudden attack from the Almighty.
Behold, the day of Hashem is coming: [a day] of cruelty, rage and burning anger, to make the land desolate; and He will annihilate its sinners from it.
I will visit evil upon the earth and upon the wicked their iniquity; and I will end the pride of the wanton and bring low the haughtiness of the mighty.
Therefore I will make the heavens tremble and the earth will rumble from its place at the fury of Hashem, Master of Legions, on the day of His burning wrath.
And Babylonia, the choicest of the kingdoms, the splendor of the glory of the Chaldeans, will be like God’s overturning of Sodom and Gomorrah.
It will not be inhabited forever and it will not be settled from generation to generation; no Arab will pitch tent there, and shepherds will not make their flocks lie there.
… Her time is soon to come; her days will not long endure!
1 The harsh prophecy of Babylon which Isaiah son of Amoz prophesied.
2 On a tranquil mountain raise a banner, raise your voice to them; wave your hand that they may enter the gates of the nobles.
3 I commanded My prepared ones; I summoned My heroes to [execute] My wrath, those who rejoice in My pride.
4 The sound of a multitude in the mountains, the likeness of a numerous people, the sound of the stirring of kingdoms of nations gathering; the Lord of Hosts appoints officers over the warring host.
5 They come from a distant land, from the end of the heavens; the Lord and the weapons of His fury, to destroy all the land.
6 Lament, for the day of the Lord is near; like a raid from the Almighty it shall come.
7 Therefore, all hands shall grow feeble, and the heart of every mortal shall melt.
8 And they shall panic; pangs and throes shall seize them; like a woman in confinement they shall writhe; each man shall be amazed at his fellow; their faces are faces of flames.
9 Behold, the day of the Lord is coming, cruel with wrath and burning anger, to make the land desolate, and its sinners He shall destroy from it.
10 For the stars of the heavens and its constellations shall not allow their light to illuminate, the sun has become dark in its going forth, and the moon shall not shine its light.
11 And I will visit evil upon the earth, and upon the wicked their iniquity; and I will cut off the pride of the presumptuous, and the arrogance of the tyrants I will humble.
12 I will make mortal man dearer than fine gold, and man [dearer] than the collection of the gold of Ophir.
13 Therefore, I will make heaven quake, and the earth will quake out of its place, because of the anger of the Lord of Hosts, and on the day of His burning wrath.
14 And he shall be like a roving deer, and like sheep who have no one to gather [them]; each man shall turn to his people, and each man shall flee to his land.
15 Everyone who is found shall be stabbed, and anyone who takes refuge shall fall by the sword.
16 And their babes shall be dashed before their eyes; their houses pillaged, and their wives ravished.
17 Behold I stir up Media against them, who do not value silver, and do not desire gold.
18 And the bows shall dash youths, and on the newborn they shall not have mercy; on children their eye shall not look with pity.
19 And Babylon, the beauty of the kingdoms, the glory of the pride of the Chaldees, shall be like God’s overturning of Sodom and Gemorrah.
20 It shall not be settled forever, and it shall not be occupied from generation to generation, and no Arab shall pitch his tent there, neither shall shepherds rest their flocks there.
21 And martens shall dwell there, and their houses shall be filled with ferrets, and ostriches shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.
22 And cats shall dwell in his palaces, and serpents in the temples of pleasure, and her time is soon coming, and her days shall not be extended.
(Audio Bible)
Seek Hashem. Call Upon Him.
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The Book of Micah (Michah in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible). Micah, who lived during the 8th century BCE during the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel. Micah’s prophecies address social justice, the condemnation of injustice, the coming judgment of G-d on Israel and other nations for their sins, and the promise of a future restoration and redemption. Micah’s prophecies are known for its powerful outlook and emotional intensity.
The Book of Nahum (Nachum in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible).
Prophet Nahum, who lived during the 7th century BCE. The book primarily addresses the judgment of G-d upon the city of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, for its arrogance, cruelty, and violence. Nahum’s prophecies are known for their vivid descriptions of Nineveh’s destruction and their emphasis on G-d’s justice and sovereignty.

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