A known prophetic book in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible is the book of Isaiah (Yeshayahu in Hebrew). It contains the written prophecies during the 8th century BCE throughout his life. The book addresses various themes, including the judgment of G-d upon Israel (the suffering servant) and other nations, the coming of the Messiah, and the establishment of G-d’s kingdom on earth. Isaiah is known for his poetic and eloquent language, and his prophecies have had a profound influence on Jewish and Christian thought throughout history.
Chapter 12
Isaiah Chapter 12 Knowing G-d is Not Hard. Believing There is G-d Either. Why Complicate it with Son and 3-in-1?
John 3:16, 14:6 and Mark 16:16
These 3 are just few of the most popular verses in the Greek book – New Testament; and are still being used in preaching and teaching.
The question is, “Where is any of these mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)? Where did this commandment or prophecy came from?
Try asking your priest or pastor or even your founder or elder in the church, you will see how they will never admit that, “It is nowhere to be found in the Hebrew Bible.”
If all about Jesus is not a lie or man-made, then what is it called?
“Thanksgiving For Salvation”
You will say on that day, ‘I thank You, Hashem, for You were angry with me, and now Your wrath has subsided and You have comforted me.
Behold, God is my salvation; I shall trust and not fear, for God is my might and my praise — Hashem! — and He was a salvation for me.’
And you will say on that day, ‘Give thanks to Hashem, declare His Name, make His acts known among the peoples; declare that His Name is exalted.’
Make music for Hashem, for He has acted with grandeur; make this known throughout the world.
Exult and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for the Holy One of Israel is great in your midst!
1 And you shall say on that day, “I will thank You, O Lord, for You were wroth with me; may Your wrath turn away and may You comfort me.
2 Here is the God of my salvation, I shall trust and not fear; for the strength and praise of the Eternal the Lord was my salvation.”
3 And you shall draw water with joy from the fountains of the salvation.
4 And you shall say on that day, “Thank the Lord, call in His Name, publicize His deeds among the peoples; keep it in remembrance, for His Name is exalted.
5 Sing to the Lord for He has performed mighty deeds; this is known throughout the land.
6 Shout and praise, O dwellers of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.
(Audio Bible)
Seek Hashem. Call Upon Him.
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The Book of Micah (Michah in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible). Micah, who lived during the 8th century BCE during the reigns of the kings of Judah and Israel. Micah’s prophecies address social justice, the condemnation of injustice, the coming judgment of G-d on Israel and other nations for their sins, and the promise of a future restoration and redemption. Micah’s prophecies are known for its powerful outlook and emotional intensity.
The Book of Nahum (Nachum in the Hebrew-Jewish Bible).
Prophet Nahum, who lived during the 7th century BCE. The book primarily addresses the judgment of G-d upon the city of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire, for its arrogance, cruelty, and violence. Nahum’s prophecies are known for their vivid descriptions of Nineveh’s destruction and their emphasis on G-d’s justice and sovereignty.

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