The Books of I and II Samuel, also known as the Books of Samuel (originally one book), recount the life and times of the prophet Samuel, the establishment of the Israelite monarchy, and the reigns of the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David. They provide insights into the political, religious, and social aspects of ancient Israel during that period. Samuel (Shmuel in Hebrew) anointed both Saul and David as kings of Israel with the approval of G-d and at His command.
Samuel is the greatest of all the judges, and a prophet who was of the same stature of Moses and Aaron.
The most coverage of this book in its context is centered in the life of David. Known as man of faith, unselfish leader, great warrior, loyal friend, compassionate in victory, humble in defeat, and model of repentance.
Chapter 22
II Samuel 22nd Chapter on Prayer, Confidence and Gratitude Toward G-d
Let’s Face It
It is not faith alone. But according to your works.
Do you know better than David?
Or do you disobey what G-d has spoken through His servants the prophets?
Read or listen
“Song of Gratitude”
“David Prays and G-d Answers”
“Support Against Enemies”
“Safety Only from G-d”
David spoke to Hashem the words of this song on the day that Hashem delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.
He said: Hashem is my Rock, my Fortress, and my Rescuer.
With praises I call unto Hashem, and I am saved from my enemies.
in my distress I would call upon Hashem, and to my God I would call; from His abode He heard my voice, and my cry was in His ears.
He bent down the heavens and descended, with thick darkness beneath His feet.
They confronted me on the day of my misfortune, but Hashem was a support unto me.
He brought me out into a broad space; He released me, for He desired me.
Hashem recompensed me according to my righteousness; He repaid me befitting the cleanliness of my hands.
For I have kept the ways of Hashem, and I have not departed wickedly from my God.
For all His judgments are before me; I do not remove myself from His decrees.
I have been perfectly innocent with Him, and I was vigilant against my sin.
Hashem repaid me in accordance with my righteousness, according to my purity before His eyes.
With the devout You deal devoutly. with the one who is strong in his wholeheartedness You act wholeheartedly.
With the pure You act purely, with the corrupt You act perversely.
You save the humble people, while Your eyes are upon the haughty to lower them.
For You are my lamp, Hashem; Hashem illuminates my darkness.
For with You I smash a troop, with my God I leap over a wall.
The God! His way is perfect; the promise of Hashem is flawless, He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.
For who is God besides Hashem, and who is a Rock, besides our God?
God! My Fortress of strength; He cleared my way, with perfection.
You have given me the shield of Your salvation, and Your humility made me great.
They cried out, but there was no savior; [they turned] to Hashem, but He answered them not.
Hashem lives! Blessed is my Rock! Exalted is God, Rock of my Salvation,
The God Who grants me vengeance and subdues nations beneath me,
Therefore, I shall give thanks to You, Hashem, among the nations, and to Your Name I will sing.
He is a tower to His king’s salvations, and does kindness to His anointed one, to David and his offspring, forever!
1 And David spoke to the Lord the words of this song, on the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul;
2 And he said, “The Lord is my rock and my fortress, and a rescuer to me.
3 God is my rock, under whom I take cover; My shield, and the horn of my salvation, my support, and my refuge; [He is] my savior Who saves me from violence.
4 With praise, I call to the Lord, for from my enemies I shall be saved.
5 For the pains of death have encompassed me; streams of scoundrels would affright me.
6 Bands of [those that shall inherit] the nether world have surrounded me; the snares of death confronted me.
7 When I am in distress, I call upon the Lord, yes I call upon my God: and out of His abode He hears my voice, and my cry enters His ears.
8 Then the earth shook and quaked, the [very] foundations of heaven did tremble; and they were shaken when he was angered.
9 Smoke went up in His nostrils, and fire out of His mouth did devour; coals flamed forth from Him.
10 And He bent the heavens and He came down; and thick darkness was under His feet.
11 And He rode upon a cherub and did fly; He was seen upon the wings of the wind.
12 And He fixed darkness about Him as booths; gathering of waters, thick clouds of the skies.
13 From the brightness before Him flamed forth coals of fire.
14 The Lord thundered from heaven; and the Most High gave forth His voice.
15 And He sent out arrows and He scattered them, lightning and He discomfited them.
16 And the depths of the sea appeared; the foundations of the world were laid bare, by the rebuke of the Lord and the blast of the breath of His nostrils.
17 He sent from on high [and] He took me; He drew me out of many waters.
18 He delivered me from my mighty enemy; from them that hated me; for they were too powerful for me.
19 They confronted me on the day of my calamity; but the Lord was a support to me.
20 And He brought me forth into a wide place; He delivered me because He took delight in me.
21 The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; According to the cleanness of my hands He recompensed me.
22 For I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from [the commandments of] my God.
23 For all His ordinances were before me; and [as for] His statutes, I did not depart from it.
24 And I was single-hearted toward Him, and I kept myself from my iniquity.
25 And the Lord has recompensed me according to my righteousness; according to my cleanness before His eyes.
26 With a kind one, You show Yourself kind. With an upright mighty man, You show Yourself upright.
27 With a pure one, You show Yourself pure; But with a perverse one, You deal crookedly.
28 And the humble people You do deliver; But Your eyes are upon the haughty [in order] to humble them.
29 For You are my lamp, O’ Lord; And the Lord does light my darkness.
30 For by You I run upon a troop; By my God I scale a wall.
31 [He is] the God Whose way is perfect; The word of the Lord is tried; He is a shield unto all them that trust in him.
32 For who is God, save the Lord? And who is a rock, save our God?
33 God is He who has fortified me with strength; and He looseth perfectly my path.
34 He makes my feet like hinds; And sets me upon my high places.
35 He trains my hand for war, so that mine arms do bend a brass bow.
36 And You have given me the shield of Your salvation; And You have increased Your modesty for me.
37 You have enlarged my step[s] beneath me; And my ankles have not slipped.
38 I have pursued my enemies and have destroyed them; Never turning back until they were consumed.
39 And I have consumed them, and I have crushed them that they cannot rise; Yes, they are fallen under my feet.
40 For You have girded me with strength for the battle; You have subdued under me those that rose up against me.
41 And of my enemies You have given me the back of their necks; them that hate me, that I may cut them off.
42 They looked about, but there was no one to save them; [Even] to the Lord, but He answered them not.
43 Then I ground them as the dust of the earth, as the mud of the streets I did tread upon them, I did stamp them down.
44 And You have allowed me to escape from the contenders amongst my people; You shall keep me as head of nations; a people whom I have not known serve me.
45 Strangers lie to me; as soon as their ears hear, they obey me.
46 The strangers will wilt, and become lame from their bondage.
47 The Lord lives, and blessed be my Rock; And exalted be the God, [who is] my rock of salvation.
48 The God who takes vengeance for me; And brings down peoples under me.
49 And that brings me forth from my enemies; And above those that rise against me, You have lifted me; from the violent man You deliver me.
50 Therefore I will give thanks to You, O’ Lord, among the nations, and to your name I will sing praises.
51 He gives great salvation to His king, and He performs kindness to His anointed; to David and to his seed, forevermore.
(Audio Bible)
To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice
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