The Books of I and II Kings, also known as the Books of Kings, recount the history of the Israelite monarchy from the reign of Solomon to the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile. It provides insights into the political, religious, and social aspects of ancient Israel during those periods. From one righteous king to another evil king one after another, miracle after miracle favoring the righteous kings, and against the evil kings.
Chapter 17
II Kings Chapter 17 You Cannot Love G-d With Jesus or Trinity on The Side or Centre
If You Love Jesus So Much That You Ignore All Truths In The Holy Bible (Old Testament)
Find out who you are ignoring, rebelling, disobeying, despising, and worst hating at…
This chapter has it all for you to either love or hate the Greek book – New Testament, from the Gospel to Revelation.
“The Last King Of Israel, Hosea”
“Rampant Idol Worship”
In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah, Hoshea son of Elah became king over Israel in Samaria, [and reigned] for nine years.
He did what was evil in the eyes of Hashem, albeit not like the kings of Israel who were before him.
In the ninth year of [the reign of] Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and exiled Israel to Assyria. …
And so it was that the Children of Israel sinned to Hashem their God, Who had taken them up out of the land of Egypt from under the oppression of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and they feared the gods of others.
They walked in the decrees of the nations whom Hashem had driven out from before the Children of Israel, and [in the decrees] that the kings of Israel had enacted.
The Children of Israel imputed things that were not so to Hashem their God and built themselves high places in all their cities, from the [solitary] watchtower to the fortified city.
They erected for themselves pillars and Asherah-trees upon every tall hill and under every leafy tree.
They worshipped the execrable idols, concerning which Hashem had told them, “Do not do this thing.”
Hashem had issued warning in Israel and in Judah through the hand of all prophets of any vision, saying, “Repent from your evil ways, and observe My commandments and My decrees in accordance with the entire Torah that I commanded your forefathers, and that I have sent through My servants the prophets.”
But they did not listen, and they stiffened their neck like the neck of their forefathers, who did not believe in Hashem their God.
They rejected His decrees and His covenant that He had sealed with their forefathers, and His warnings that He warned about them; and they went after the worthless, and became worthless; and after [the ways of] the nations that surrounded them, concerning whom Hashem had commanded them not to do like them.
They forsook all the commandments of Hashem, their God, and made a molten image for themselves — …
… and they dedicated themselves to do that which was evil in the eyes of Hashem, to anger Him.
Then Hashem became very angry with Israel and removed them from His presence; none remained except the tribe of Judah alone.
(And even Judah did not observe the commandments of Hashem their God, and they walked in the decrees of Israel, which they enacted.)
So Hashem rejected the entire offspring of Israel, and oppressed them; He delivered them into the hands of plunderers, until He had cast them away from His Presence.
until Hashem removed Israel from His presence, as He had spoken through the hand of all His servants the prophets. So Israel went into exile from their land to Assyria, to this day.
It happened that at the beginning [of the period] of their dwelling there they did not fear Hashem, and Hashem incited lions against them, and they were killing among them.
… He has incited lions against them, and they are now killing them because they do not know the law of the God of the land.”
One of the Kohanim whom they had exiled from Samaria came and settled in Beth-el, and he would teach them how to fear Hashem.
They would make – each nation – its own god, and they set up [their idols] in the high place temples that the [Israelite] Samaritans had built – each nation in their cities, where they dwelled.
They feared Hashem, and they appointed some from among themselves as priests for the high places, and they would perform [the rituals] for them in the high place temples.
They feared Hashem, but they worshiped their own gods [as well], according to the practice of the nations from which they had been exiled.
… they do not fear Hashem sincerely; they do not act according to their customs and practices or according to the Torah and the commandments that Hashem had commanded the Children of Jacob, whose name He had changed to Israel.
(For Hashem had made a covenant with [Israel], and had commanded them, saying, “You shall not fear the gods of others; and you shall not bow down to them, and you shall not worship them, and you shall not slaughter to them.
Rather, only Hashem Who brought you up
from the land of Egypt, with great force and with an outstretched arm — Him shall you fear; and to Him shall you bow down, and to Him shall you slaughter.
And the decrees and the laws, and the Torah and the commandments that He wrote for you, you shall observe to do all the days, and you shall not fear the gods of others.
But they did not obey, rather they act according to their original practice.
So these nations feared Hashem, yet worshiped their graven images. Also their children and children’s children, as their forefathers had done, so do they do, to this day..
1 In the twelfth year of Ahaz the king of Judah, Hoshea the son of Elah reigned over Israel for nine years.
2 And he did what was evil in the eyes of the Lord, though not like the kings of Israel who had preceded him.
3 Shalmaneser the king of Assyria went up against him, and Hoshea became his vassal, and he paid him tribute.
4 And the king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea, that he sent messengers to So the king of Egypt and did not pay tribute to the king of Assyria as year by year, and the king of Assyria arrested him and confined him in prison.
5 And the king of Assyria went up through the entire land, and he went up to Samaria and besieged it three years.
6 In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria took Samaria and exiled the Israelites to Assyria, and he repatriated them in Halah, and in Habor, the Gozan River, and the cities of Media.
7 And it was, when the children of Israel sinned to the Lord their God, who brought them up from the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh the king of Egypt, and they feared other gods.
8 And they followed the statutes of the nations whom the Lord had driven out from before the children of Israel, and [of] the kings of Israel that they practiced.
9 And the children of Israel fabricated things which were not so about the Lord their God, and they built themselves high places in all their cities, from watchtower to fortified city.
10 And they erected for themselves monuments and asherim on every high hill and under every green tree.
11 And they burned incense there on all the high places, like the nations that the Lord had exiled from before them, and they did evil things to anger the Lord.
12 And they worshipped the idols, which the Lord had said to them, “You shall not do this thing.”
13 And the Lord warned Israel and Judah through all prophets of all visions, saying, “Repent of your evil ways, and keep My commandments, My statutes, according to the entire Law that I commanded your forefathers, and that I sent to you through My servants, the prophets.”
14 But they did not heed, and they hardened their nape like the nape of their forefathers who did not believe in the Lord their God.
15 And they despised His statutes and His covenant that He had enacted with their forefathers and His warnings that He had warned them, and they followed worthless things and became worthless, and after the nations that were around them, concerning whom the Lord had commanded them not to do like them.
16 And they forsook all the commandments of the Lord their God, and made for themselves two molten calves, and they made an asherah, and they prostrated themselves before the entire host of the heavens, and they worshipped the Baal.
17 And they passed their sons and daughters through fire, and they practiced enchantment and divination, and they committed themselves to do what was evil in the eyes of the Lord, to anger Him.
18 And the Lord became very much incensed against Israel, and He sent them away from before Him; none was left but the tribe of Judah alone.
19 Neither did Judah observe the commandments of the Lord their God, and they followed the practices of Israel that they did.
20 And the Lord despised all the seed of Israel, and He afflicted them, and delivered them into the hands of plunderers until He cast them away from before Him.
21 For Israel had torn away from the house of David and had appointed Jeroboam the son of Nebat as king, and Jeroboam led Israel astray from following the Lord and caused them to commit a grave sin.
22 And the children of Israel followed all the sins of Jeroboam that he committed; they did not turn away from it.
23 Until the Lord removed Israel from His Presence, as He had spoken through all His servants, the prophets, and Israel went in exile from their land to Assyria until this day.
24 And the king of Assyria brought [people] from Babylonia and from Cuthah and from Avva and from Hamath and from Sepharvaim, and he settled them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel, and they took possession of Samaria and dwelt in its cities.
25 And it was in the beginning of their dwelling there, that they did not fear the Lord, and the Lord incited lions against them, and they were killing them.
26 And they said to the king of Assyria, saying, “The nations that you exiled and settled in the cities of Samaria, do not know the law of the God of the land, and He has incited lions against them, and behold they are killing them, as they do not know the law of the God of the land.”
27 And the king of Assyria commanded, saying, “Bring there one of the priests whom I have exiled from there, and let them go and dwell there, and teach them the law of the God of the land.”
28 And one of the priests whom they had exiled from Samaria came and settled in Bethel, and he would direct them how they should fear the Lord.
29 Now each nation made its god, and they placed [it] in the temple of the high places that the people of Samaria had made, each nation in their cities wherein they were dwelling.
30 And the people of Babylonia made Succoth-benoth, and the people of Cuth made Nergal, and the people of Hamath made Ashima.
31 And the Avvites made Nibhaz and Tartak, and the Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adramelech and Anamelech, the gods of Sepharvaim.
32 And they feared the Lord, and they made some of them priests of the high places, and they would practice their [rites] in the temple of the high places.
33 They feared the Lord, yet they worshipped their own gods, as was the custom of the nations whom they had exiled from there.
34 Until this day, they practice just as their earlier practices; they do not fear the Lord, neither do they practice according to their statutes and laws, nor according to the Law and the commandment that the Lord commanded the sons of Jacob, whose name He called Israel.
35 And the Lord enacted a covenant with them, saying, “You shall not fear other gods, neither shall you prostrate yourselves to them nor worship them, and you shall not slaughter [sacrifices] to them.
36 Only the Lord Who brought you up from the land of Egypt with great might and with an outstretched arm, Him shall you fear, and to Him shall you prostrate yourselves and to Him shall you slaughter sacrifices.
37 And the statutes and the judgments, and the Law and the commandment that He wrote for you, you shall heed to perform all times, and you shall not fear strange gods.
38 And the covenant that I enacted with you, you shall not forget, neither shall you fear strange gods.
39 But the Lord your God you shall fear, and He will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.”
40 But they did not obey, but according to their earlier practice they were doing.
41 And these nations feared the Lord, yet they worshipped their graven images; also their children and their grandchildren, as their forefathers had done, they are doing until this day.
(Audio Bible)
If Hashem is God Go After Him!
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