Chronicles On The Rest Of The Details Of The King’s Reign
The sanctity of the Temple.
The festivals and its observance. As David commanded so they did.
Not changing, modifying, removing or added from what G-d had commanded David.
“More Details Of King Solomon’s Reign”
“The Appointed Festivals”
“The Temple Of Hashem Was Complete”
It happened at the end of the twenty years during which Solomon built the Temple of Hashem and his own palace. Solomon built up cities that Huram had given him, and he settled people of Israel there.
But Solomon did not enslave anyone of the Children of Israel for his labor, for they were men of war, and were commanders of his officers, and the commanders of his chariots and his riders.
Solomon brought up the Pharaoh’s daughter from the City of David, to her house that he had built for her, for he thought, “I should not have a wife dwell in the house of David, king of Israel, for they are holy [places], being that the Ark of Hashem had been brought there.”
At that time Solomon brought up burnt-offerings to Hashem, upon the Altar of Hashem that he built before the Hall,
… for Sabbaths and for New Moons and for the appointed festivals three times a year — the Festival of Matzos, the Festival of Shavuos and the Festival of Succos.
… for this was the commandment of David, the man of God,
and they did not deviate from the king’s command concerning the Kohanim and the Levites, concerning the treasuries.
All of Solomon’s labor was firmly established, from the day of the laying of the foundations of the Temple of Hashem to its finish; the Temple of Hashem was complete.
1 Now it came to pass at the end of twenty years that Solomon had built the House of the Lord and his palace.
2 And the cities that Huram had given to Solomon, Solomon built them and settled Israelites there.
3 And Solomon went to Hamath of Zobah, and he besieged it.
4 And he built Tadmor in the desert and all the store cities that he built in Hamath.
5 And he built the upper Beth Horon and the lower Beth Horon, fortified cities, with walls, gates, and bars.
6 And Baalath and all the store cities that Solomon had and all the cities for his chariots and the cities for his horsemen, and all Solomon’s desire, which he desired to build in Jerusalem and in Lebanon and in all the land of his realm.
7 All the people remaining from the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivvites, and the Jebusites, who were not of Israel.
8 Of their children who remained after them in the land, whom the Children of Israel had not annihilated-Solomon subjected them to forced labor until this day.
9 But of the Children of Israel, Solomon did not make into slaves for his work, because they were men of war and the officers over his commanders and the officers of his chariots and his horsemen.
10 And these are the officers over King Solomon’s appointed men-two hundred fifty, who ruled over the people.
11 And Pharaoh’s daughter Solomon brought up from the City of David to the house that he had built for her, because he said: No wife of mine shall dwell in the house of David, king of Israel, because they [the places] are holy, since the Ark of the Lord came into them.
12 Then Solomon offered up burnt offerings on the altar of the Lord, which he had built before the vestibule.
13 And as the duty of every day required, to offer up according to the commandment of Moses; for the Sabbaths, for the New Moons, and for the appointed seasons three times a year; on the Feast of Unleavened Bread, on the Feast of Weeks, and on the Feast of Tabernacles.
14 And he stationed, according to the ordinance of his father David, the divisions of the priests on their service and the Levites on their watches, to praise and to serve opposite the priests, for the daily requirement on its day, and the gate sentries in their divisions for every gate, for so was the command of David the man of God.
15 And they did not deviate [from] the king’s command to the priests and the Levites regarding every matter and for the treasuries.
16 And all Solomon’s work was established until this day, [from] the founding of the House of the Lord until its completion, when the House of the Lord was complete.
17 Then Solomon went to Ezion-Geber and to Eloth on the seashore in the land of Edom.
18 And Huram sent him through his servants ships and servants who had knowledge of the sea, and they came with Solomon’s servants to Ophir, and they took from there four hundred and fifty talents of gold and brought it to King Solomon.
The book that recounts the history of the Israelites from the time of Adam to the end of the Babylonian exile — this is the Book of Chronicles. Daily Holy Bible Reading lays the period from Adam to the death of King David, and the period from the death of King David to the end of the Babylonian exile in the two (2) parts of the Book of Chronicles (Divrei Hayamim).
The Book of Chronicles is an important source of information about the history of the Jewish people. It provides details about the kings of Israel and Judah, the Temple in Jerusalem, and the religious practices of the Jewish people. The book also contains a number of important theological teachings, such as the importance of following God’s commandments and the promise of God’s redemption.
A valuable resource is the Book of Chronicles for both Jews and Christians. It provides a rich and detailed account of the history of the Jewish people, and it contains important theological teachings that are relevant to both faiths.

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