The Books of I and II Kings, also known as the Books of Kings, recount the history of the Israelite monarchy from the reign of Solomon to the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem and the Babylonian exile. It provides insights into the political, religious, and social aspects of ancient Israel during those periods. From one righteous king to another evil king one after another, miracle after miracle favoring the righteous kings, and against the evil kings.
Chapter 11
Church pastors, founders and fathers, excuse me. I’ll go what the true Word of G-d says in the Hebrew Bible. And with Orthodox Genius Rabbis. Rabbi Tovia S. is just one of the few. Share, like and subscribe for more … G-d is One. Not 3-in-1 or G-d the Son!
“The Many Wives of Solomon Lead Him Astray”
“Israel Will Split into Two Nations as G-d Ordains it”
“The Passing of King Solomon”
King Solomon loved many foreign women, in addition to the daughter of Pharaoh — Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites —
from the nations of which Hashem said to the Children of Israel, “Do not come to [marriage with] them, and they shall not come into [marriage with] you; for they will surely sway your hearts after their gods.” Solomon clung to them for love.
He had seven hundred wives who were noblewomen and three hundred concubines, and his wives swayed his heart.
So it was that when Solomon grew old his wives swayed his heart after the gods of others, and his heart was not as perfect with Hashem his God as [had been] the heart of his father David,
And Solomon did what was sinful in the eyes of Hashem, and did not wholeheartedly follow Hashem as his father David had done.
and he did likewise for all his foreign wives, they burned incense and sacrificed to their gods.
So Hashem became angry with Solomon, for his heart had strayed from Hashem, the God of Israel, Who had appeared to him twice,
and commanded him about this matter, not to go after the gods of others; but he did not heed that which Hashem had commanded him.
So Hashem said to Solomon, “Since this has happened to you, and you have not kept My covenant and My decrees that I have commanded you, I shall surely tear away the kingship from you and give it to your servant.
In your days, however, I will not do it, because of your father David; from the hand of your son will I tear it away.
Hashem then stirred up an antagonist against Solomon, Hadad the Edomite; he was a member of the royal family of Edom.
And God stirred up [another] antagonist against [Solomon] — Rezon son of Eliada, who had escaped from his master, Hadadezer, king of Zobah.
Also Jeroboam son of Nebat, an Ephraimite from Zeredah — … raised his hand against the king.
Ahijah grabbed hold of the new garment that was upon him, and he tore it into twelve pieces.
He said to Jeroboam, “Take for yourself ten pieces, for so said Hashem, God of Israel, “I am tearing the kingdom away from the hand of Solomon and I shall give ten tribes to you.
But the one tribe shall remain for him, for the sake of My servant David and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen of all the tribes of Israel.
[This is] because they have forsaken Me and bowed down to Ashtoreth, the god of the Sidonians, to Chemosh, the god of Moab, and to Mitcom, the god of the Children of Ammon, and they did not walk in My ways, to do what is proper in My eyes, My decrees and My statues, as [did] David his father.
Solomon lay with his forefathers, and was buried in the City of David his father, His son Rehoboam reigned in his place.
1 King Solomon loved many foreign women and the daughter of Pharaoh; Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites.
2 Of the nations about which the Lord had said to the Children of Israel, “You shall not go (mingle) among them and they shall not come among you, for certainly they will sway your heart after their dieties.” To these did Solomon cleave to love [them].
3 And he had seven hundred royal wives and three hundred concubines, and his wives turned away his heart.
4 And it was at the time of Solomon’s old age, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not whole with the Lord, His God, like the heart of David his father.
5 And Solomon went after Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.
6 And Solomon did what was displeasing to the Lord, and he was not completely devoted to the Lord as was David his father.
7 Then did Solomon build a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab on the mountain that is before Jerusalem and for Molech, the abomination of the children of Ammon.
8 And so he did for all of his alien wives who offered incense and slaughtered sacrifices to their deities.
9 And the Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had digressed from the Lord, God of Israel, Who had appeared to him twice.
10 And had commanded him pertaining this matter, not to follow other gods; however, he did not keep what the Lord had commanded.
11 And the Lord said to Solomon, “For as this has been with you, and you have not observed My covenant and My statutes which I have commanded you, I will surely tear the kingdom from you, and I shall give it to your servant.
12 However, in your days I will not do this, for the sake of David your father; from the hands of your son I shall tear it.
13 But I shall not tear the entire kingdom away from you; one tribe I shall grant to your son for the sake of David My servant, and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city which I have chosen.
14 And the Lord raised up an adversary against Solomon, Hadad, the Edomite; he was of the royal lineage in Edom.
15 And it was when David was in Edom that Joab, the commander of the army had gone up to bury the slain, since he had slain every male in Edom.
16 For Joab and all of Israel remained [stationed] there for six months until he had killed every male in Edom.
17 Adad fled, he and some Edomite men, of his father’s servants with him, to go to Egypt; Hadad being yet a small child.
18 And they set out from Midian and came to Paran, and they took men with them from Paran and they arrived in Egypt and came before Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, He granted him a home and assigned him sustenance and gave him land.
19 And Hadad pleased Pharaoh very much so that he gave him in marriage the sister of his wife, the sister of Tachpenes, the queen.
20 And the sister of Tachpenes bore him Genubath his son, whom Tachpenes weaned in Pharaoh’s house, and Genubath was in Pharaoh’s house among Pharaoh’s children.
21 Hadad heard in Egypt that David slept with his fathers and that Joab, the commander of the army had died. And Hadad said to Pharaoh, “Give me leave, and I shall go to my country.”
22 And Pharaoh said to him, “What do you lack with me that you desire to go to your country?” And he said, “Nevertheless, give me leave.”
23 And God raised up against him an adversary, Rezon, the son of Eliada, who had fled from Hadadezer, the king of Zobah, his master.
24 And he assembled men around him, and he became commander over a battalion when David slew them, and they went to Damascus and settled there and ruled in Damascus.
25 And he was an adversary to Israel all of Solomon’s days with the evil that was caused by Hadad, and he detested Israel and ruled over Aram.
26 And Jeroboam the son of Nabat an Ephraimite of Zeradah, whose mother’s name was Zeruah, a widow; he was Solomon’s servant, he raised his hand against the king.
27 And this was the matter [concerning] which he raised his hand against the king; Solomon built up the Millo and closed up the breach of the city of David, his father.
28 And the man Jeroboam was a mighty man of valor; and Solomon saw this young man, that he was a diligent worker, and he appointed him in charge of all the burdens of the House of Joseph.
29 And it came to be at that time when Jeroboam had left Jerusalem, that Ahijah, the Shilonite, the prophet, found him on the way, and he was wearing a new garment, and the two of them were alone in the field.
30 And Ahijah grasped the new garment that was upon him and tore it into twelve pieces.
31 And he said to Jeroboam, “Take for yourself ten pieces, for so has the Lord, the God of Israel, said, “I shall tear the kingdom out of Solomon’s hands and I shall give you the ten tribes.
32 But he will have one tribe, for My servant David’s sake and for Jerusalem’s sake, the city which I have chosen of all the tribes of Israel.
33 Since they have deserted Me and have prostrated themselves to Ashtoreth, the goddess of the Zidonians, to Chemosh, the god of Moab, and Milcom, the god of the children of Ammon, and they have not walked in My ways, to do what is right in My eyes to keep My statutes and judgments as did David his father.
34 However, I will not take any part of the kingdom away from him but I will make him a king all the days of his life for the sake of David My servant, whom I chose, for he kept My commandments and My statutes.
35 However, I will take the kingdom away from his son and will give it to you, the ten tribes.
36 And his son I shall give one tribe so that David My servant may have a kingdom before Me in Jerusalem, the city which I chose for Myself to place My name there.
37 And I shall take you, and you shall rule over all that your soul desires, and you shall be king over Israel.
38 And it will be, if you heed all that I shall command you and will walk in My ways and do what is righteous in My eyes, to keep My statutes and My commandments as did David My servant, and I shall be with you and build for a lasting dynasty as I have built for David My servant, and I shall give Israel to you.
39 And I shall afflict David’s descendants because of this, but not for all times.”
40 Solomon sought to put Jeroboam to death, but Jeroboam arose and fled to Egypt to Shishak, the king of Egypt, and remained in Egypt until Solomon’s death.
41 The rest of the events of Solomon and all that he did and his wisdom; they are assuredly written in the book of the words of Solomon.
42 The years which Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel were forty years.
43 And Solomon slept with his fathers and was buried in the city of David his father; and Rehoboam his son ruled in his place.
(Audio Bible)
If Hashem is God Go After Him!
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