On Daily Holy Bible Reading
Hoshea Is One Of The Twelve Prophets
As this part of the Hebrew Bible (Tanach) is called “The Twelve Prophets”
(Unlike in the Christian Bible it is called, “The Minor Prophets”)
“The Sages consider Hoshea as the greatest prophet of his time.”
Importance of Knowledge | Israel being the Son Of G-d | G-d being the Savior And None Other | G-d Is Not A Man
Are just few of the items you will learn in this book.
Lack Of Knowledge
Hosea Implies What Obedience to Hashem is About
As it was from the previous chapters and books, anything G-d never said violates His commands.
Unless it is to uplift or as a precautionary measure from His sages — the righteous Rabbis.
“False Prophets”
Rejoice not, Israel, like the exultation of the peoples, for you have strayed from your God; you have loved a harlot’s fee on all the threshing floors of grain.
They should not pour out wine [libations] to Hashem for they will not be pleasing to Him; their sacrifices will be to them like the bread of mourners, of which all who partake are defiled; rather, let their bread be for themselves, let it not come to the Temple of Hashem.
The days of punishment have come; the days of requital have come; let Israel know — the [false] prophet is a fool; …
The prophet of Ephraim is with my God; the prophet is a net that ensnares [him] in all his ways and who causes enmity in the house of his God.
“I found Israel like grapes in the desert; like a ripe fruit on a fig tree in its beginning did I view your fathers; but they came to Baal-peor and dedicated themselves to shamefulness; and they became loathsome by their love.
My God will spurn them, for they have not obeyed Him, and they will wander about among the nations.
1 Rejoice not, O Israel, on joyous occasions, like the peoples, for you have strayed from your God: you love a harlot’s hire on all threshingfloors of corn.
2 The threshingfloor and the wine cellar shall not feed them, and fresh wine shall fail her.
3 They shall not stay in the land of the Lord, but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and in Assyria they shall eat unclean [food].
4 They shall not pour libations of wine to the Lord, they will not please Him; their sacrifices are like bread of mourners to them, all those who partake thereof become contaminated, for their bread is for themselves, it should not come into the house of the Lord.
5 What will you do for the appointed day and for the day of the Lord’s massacre?
6 For behold, they have gone away because of plunder, Egypt shall gather them, Moph shall bury them; the treasurehouses for their silver-thistles shall inherit them, briers in their dwellings.
7 The days of the visitation have arrived; the days of recompense have arrived, let Israel know; the prophet shall be a fool, the man of the spirit mad; [this is] because of your great iniquity, and the hatred is great.
8 Ephraim is a prophet with my God, [for the] prophet [they lay] a fowler’s snare on all his ways, [causing] hatred in the house of his God.
9 They have deeply corrupted themselves as in the days of Gibeah; He shall remember their iniquity, He shall visit their sins.
10 Like grapes in the desert I found Israel, like a ripe fig on a fig tree, in its beginning, I saw your forefathers; they came to Baal-peor, and they separated themselves to a shameful thing, and they became detestable when they loved..
11 As for Ephraim-their honor shall fly away like a bird; from birth, from the womb, or from conception.
12 For, if they raise their children, I will bereave them before they become men, for woe to them also when I turn away from them.
13 Ephraim, as I saw Tyre, is planted in a dwelling place, but Ephraim is busy taking his children out to the slayer.
14 Give them, O Lord, what you will give; give them a bereaving womb and dry breasts.
15 All their evil is in Gilgal, for there I hated them; for the evil of their deeds, I will drive them from My house; I will not continue to love them, all their princes are rebellious.
16 Ephraim has been smitten, their root is dry, they shall not produce fruit; even when they give birth, I will slay the precious ones of their womb.
17 My God shall reject them because they did not obey Him, and they shall be wandering among the nations.
No Savior But Me
Hosea (Hoshea in Hebrew)
Remember the Torah of Moses My servant, which I commanded him at Horeb for all of Israel — [its] decrees and [its] statutes. — is the exhortation being delivered by the Twelve Prophets.
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