Ezekiel chapter 47:14 Daily Holy Bible Reading

Ezekiel Chapter 47




“The Heart Of Flesh”
“The Vision Of The Dry Bones”
“Hashem Is There”

These and more… you will learn in this book.

Yes, on its accounts it is another book of tragedy. But Ezekiel is the prophet of hope and triumph.

After G-d abandoned His people (The Jews), He will pluck Israel from the nations. To bring them back to its home.

Chapter 47

Ezekiel Chapter 47 (Second to the last chapter) Prophecies remain and being fulfilled except false ones from the Greek book — New Testament

Ezekiel On Streams Of Water And The Non-Jews

Nearing the end of the book, as prophecies after every prophecy is revealed.

Where is the crucified Messiah’s prophecy? Where is the miracle that the Messiah performed?

On top of it, why are the commandments still being performed, if Jesus already paid it all?

Can anyone ask his Christian preacher, priest or church founder?

Revert from chapter 40 if in doubt.

“Sabbath And New Moon”
“Prince’s Inheritance”
“The Kohanim (Priests)”

… “The gate of the inner courtyard that faces eastward shall be closed during the six days of labor, but on the Sabbath day it shall be opened, and on the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.
Then the prince shall enter by way of the hall of the gate from without, and stand before the doorpost of the gate; the Kohanim will prepare his burnt-offering and his peace-offerings, and he will then prostrate himself at the threshold of the gate and depart; but the gate shall not be closed until the evening.
The people of the land shall prostrate themselves before Hashem at the entrance of that gate on the Sabbaths and on the New Moons.
“And [this is] the burnt-offering that the prince shall bring for Hashem: on the Sabbath day, six unblemished sheep and an unblemished ram,
When the prince enters, he shall enter by way of the hall of the gate, and by the same way he shall leave.
On the festivals and at the appointed times, the meal-offering shall be an ephah for a bull and an ephah for a ram; and for the sheep, whatever his hand gives, with a hin of oil per ephah.
“When the prince makes a free-will offering, a burnt-offering or a peace-offering as a free-will offering for Hashem, they shall open for him the gate that faces eastward, and he shall make his burnt-offering and his peace-offerings as he does on the Sabbath day, then he shall go out, and they shall close the gate after his departure.
And you shall bring a meal-offering with it every morning, … As an eternal portion [to be offered] continually.
Thus said the Lord Hashem/Elohim: “If the prince makes a gift to one of his sons, since it is his inheritance that will belong to his sons, it is their possession by inheritance.
The prince may not take from the inheritance of the people to extort their possession from them; he shall bequeath to his sons from his own possession, so that My people will not be scattered, each man from his possession.”

1 So says the Lord God: The gate of the Inner Court that faces toward the east shall remain closed the six working days, but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and on the New Moon it shall be opened.
2 And the prince shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gate without, and he shall stand at the doorpost of the gate, and the priests shall offer his burnt-offering and his peace-offering, and he shall prostrate himself at the threshold of the gate, and go out, but the gate shall not be closed until the evening.
3 And the people of the land shall [also] prostrate themselves at the entrance of that gate on the Sabbaths and on the New Moons, before the Lord.
4 And the burnt- offering which the prince offers to the Lord; On the Sabbath shall be six lambs without blemish and a ram without blemish.
5 And as a meal- offering: one ephah for the ram; and for the lambs, a meal-offering as he is able to give, and a hin of oil to an ephah.
6 But on the New Moon; a young bull without blemish, and six lambs and a ram, without blemish are they to be.
7 And an ephah for the bull and an ephah for the ram he shall bring as a meal-offering, but for the lambs as much as he can afford, and of oil a hin to an ephah.
8 And whenever the prince goes in, he shall go in by way of the vestibule of the gate, and by the same way shall he go out.
9 But when the people of the land come before the Lord on the times fixed for meeting, he who enters by way of the north gate to prostrate himself shall go out by way of the south gate, and he that enters by way of the south gate shall go out by way of the north gate; he shall not return by way of the gate whereby he came in, but he shall go out by that which is opposite it.
10 The prince also [then] enters among them when they go in, and when they go out, they [the prince and the people together] go out.
11 And on the Festivals and on the times fixed for meeting, the meal-offering shall consist of an ephah for a bull and an ephah for a ram, but for the lambs a gift which is in accordance with his means, and oil, a hin to an ephah.
12 And when the prince brings a free will-offering, a burnt-offering or a peace- offering as a free will-offering to the Lord, one shall then open for him the gate that faces east, and he shall bring his burnt-offering and his peace-offering as he does on the Sabbath day, and after he has gone out, one shall close the gate.
13 And a lamb of the first year, without blemish shall you bring as a burnt-offering daily to the Lord, every morning shall you bring it.
14 And as a meal-offering you shall bring for it every morning a sixth of an ephah and a third of a hin of oil to stir [with] the fine flour; a meal-offering to the Lord, according to the perpetual ordinance.
15 Thus shall they bring the lamb and the meal-offering and the oil every morning, a continual burnt offering.
16 So says the Lord God: If the prince give a gift to any of his sons, it is his inheritance and remains in his sons’ possession; it is their property by inheritance
17 But if he gives a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his until the year of liberty, and then it comes back to the prince; only to his sons shall his inheritance belong.
18 But the prince may not take of the people’s inheritance to force them out of their possessions, only from his own possessions shall he give his sons inheritance, so that My people not be scattered each man from his inheritance.
19 Now he brought me through the entry that was on the side of the gate to the chambers of the Sanctuary of the priests, which face northward, and behold there was a place at the end toward the west.
20 And he said to me; This is the place where the priests shall cook the guilt-offering and the sin-offering and bake the meal-offering, so as not to bring [them] out to the Outer Court to mingle with the people.
21 And he took me out to the Outer Court, and he led me past the four corners of the Court, and behold a court in the corner of the Court.
22 In the four corners of the Court were open enclosures, forty in length and thirty in width, one measure for the four of them in the corners.
23 And a row [of masonry] around in them, around all four of them, and a place for cooking was made under the rows [of masonry] around.
24 And he said to me, “These are the cooking places where the ministrants of the House will cook the people’s sacrifices.”

Repent and Obey to be Saved


(Audio Bible)

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