“The Heart Of Flesh”
“The Vision Of The Dry Bones”
“Hashem Is There”
These and more… you will learn in this book.
Yes, on its accounts it is another book of tragedy. But Ezekiel is the prophet of hope and triumph.
After G-d abandoned His people (The Jews), He will pluck Israel from the nations. To bring them back to its home.
Chapter 13
Ezekiel Chapter 13 Tells About Vain Comfort and Benefits Believing in False Prophecies in The New Testament
Ezekiel On Why Christianity Is A Lost Case
“Anything true in the New (Testament) is not new. Anything New in the New (Testament) is not true.”
This is the content of this chapter in plain words (but not that this is the only chapter).
“Prophecy Against False Prophecy”
The word of Hashem came to me, saying, “Son of Man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy out of their own hearts; Hear the word of Hashem!
Thus said the Lord Hashem/Elohim: Woe unto the foolish prophets, who follow their own spirit, and things they have not seen.
You did not ascend into the breaches nor build a fence for the House of Israel, which could stand up in battle on the day of Hashem.
They saw worthless [vision] and false divination; they say, ‘The word of Hashem!’ but Hashem did not send them, yet they expect that their word will be confirmed.
… You say, “The word of Hashem,’ when I have not spoken!
Therefore, thus said the Lord Hashem/Elohim: Because you have spoken worthless words and have seen a false vision, therefore, behold, I am against you — the word of the Lord Hashem/Elohim;
and My hand will be against the prophets who see worthless [visions] and who divine falsehood;l they will not be among the counsel of My people, nor will they be inscribed in the record of the House of Israel, nor will they enter upon the soil of Israel, the you will know that I am the Lord Hashem/Elohim.
Because — and again because — they led My people astray, saying, ‘Peace,’ but there is no peace; it is building a partition, and they are even smearing it with plaster.
[you] prophets of Israel who prophesy concerning Jerusalem and envision for it a vision of peace when there is no peace — the word of the Lord Hashem/Elohim.”
“And now you, Son of Man, direct your face towards the daughters of your people who prophesy out of their own heart, and prophesy against them.
…, in order to trap souls. Would you trap souls of My people, souls for your own livelihood?
You have profaned Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for crumbs of bread, to slay souls who should not die and to preserve souls who should not live, by your lying to My people, who listen to lies.
Because you cowed the heart of the righteous one with lies when I did not wish to pain him, and strengthened the hands of the wicked one that he not repent from his evil way to preserve his life,
1 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
2 “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy out of their own hearts: Hearken to the word of the Lord.
3 So said the Lord God: Woe is to the mad prophets who follow their desire and what they have not seen.
4 Like foxes in ruins were your prophets, O Israel.
5 You have not gone up into the breaches nor have you built a fence for the house of Israel, to stand in war on the day of the Lord.
6 They prophisied futility and false divination, those who say, ‘The word of the Lord,’ while the Lord did not send them, and expect their words to be fulfilled!
7 Have you not prophesied vain prophecy, and spoken false divination; yet you say, ‘The word of the Lord,’ while I did not speak.
8 Therefore, so said the Lord God: Since you spoke falsehoods and prophesied lies, therefore, behold I am against you, says the Lord God.
9 And My hand shall be against the prophets who prophesy vanity and the diviners of lies; in the counsel of My people they shall not be, and in the roster of the house of Israel they shall not be inscribed, and to the land of Israel they shall not come, and you will know that I am the Lord God.
10 Because, indeed because they misled My people, saying, ‘Peace,’ when there is no peace, and it is building a flimsy wall, and behold they are plastering it with daub.
11 Say to the plasterers with daub, ‘Behold, it will fall. If there will be driving rain, then you, gigantic hailstones, will fall, and a storm wind will crack [it].
12 And behold, the wall has fallen! Will it not be said to you, “Where is the plaster that you have plastered?”‘
13 Therefore, so said the Lord God: I will cause a storm wind to crack [the wall] with My fury, and there shall be a driving rain with My wrath, and gigantic hailstones with fury to destroy [it].
14 And I shall demolish the wall that you plastered with daub, and I shall make it reach the ground, and its foundation will be bared, and it will fall, and you will perish in its midst, and you will know that I am the Lord.
15 And I shall spend My fury on the wall and on those who plaster it with daub, and I shall say to you, ‘The wall is not here, neither are those who plaster it.’
16 -The prophets of Israel who prophesy about Jerusalem, and those who envision for it a vision of peace when there is no peace, says the Lord God.
17 Now you, son of man, direct your face toward the daughters of your people who prophesy from their own heart, and prophesy about them.
18 And you shall say; So said the Lord God: Woe to those who sew cushions on all armpits, and who make the veils for the head of people of every height, to ensnare souls. Will you ensnare the souls of My people and sustain your own souls?
19 You have profaned Me before My people for fistfuls of barley and for morsels of bread to slay souls that will not die and to sustain souls that will not live, by your lying to My people, who hearken to lies.
20 Therefore, so said the Lord God: Behold, I am against your cushions with which you ensnare the souls, [causing them] to fly away, and I shall tear them off your arms, and I shall free the people whose souls you ensnare to make them fly away.
21 And I shall tear your veils and I shall save My people from your hands, and they will no longer be in your hands to be ensnared, and you will know that I am the Lord.
22 Because you break the heart of the righteous one with falsehood, whereas I did not pain him, and to strengthen the hands of the wicked one, keeping him from repenting of his way, to sustain him.
23 Therefore, you shall neither prophesy vanity nor divine divinations any longer, and I shall save My people from your hands, and you will know that I am the Lord.”
Repent and Obey to be Saved
(Audio Bible)
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