“The Heart Of Flesh”
“The Vision Of The Dry Bones”
“Hashem Is There”
These and more… you will learn in this book.
Yes, on its accounts it is another book of tragedy. But Ezekiel is the prophet of hope and triumph.
After G-d abandoned His people (The Jews), He will pluck Israel from the nations. To bring them back to its home.
Chapter 11
Ezekiel Chapter 11 Living in Lies may bring you Comfort and Convenience but not long term
Ezekiel On False Prophecy
Nowhere in the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament) where it says that those who do not keep His commandments are or will be rewarded in the end.
If you know what apostle Paul’s teachings are in his epistles, ask yourself, “Are these what G-d said?” I.e. Romans, Galatians & others.
“The False Prophets”
“The Heart Of Flesh”
A wind then lifted me up and brought me to the East Gate of the Temple of Hashem, which faces eastward; and behold, at the entrance of the gate, were twenty-five men; in their midst I saw Jaazaniah son of Azzur and Pelatiah son of Benaiah, the leaders of the people.
Then He said to me, “Son of Man, these are the men who connive iniquity and who give evil counsel in this city, who say, ‘[The end] is not near! Build houses! [the city] is the caldron and we are the meat.
You will fall by the sword; I will execute judgment against you on the border of Israel; then you will know that I am Hashem.
[The city] will not be a pot for you, but you will be like meat within it; I will execute judgment against you at the border of Israel.
Then you will know that I am Hashem, Whose decrees you did not follow and Whose laws you did not carry out; for you acted according to the laws of the nations who are around you.”
“Therefore, say: Thus said the Lord Hashem/Elohim: I will assemble you from the nations and gather you in from the lands where you have been scattered, and give you the Land of Israel.
They will come there and remove all its detestations and all its abominations from it.
I will give them an undivided heart and I will place a new spirit within them; I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh,
so that they may walk in My decrees and observe My laws and fulfill them. Then they will be a people unto Me, and I will be a God for them.
But those whose heart follows the heart of their detestations and abominations, I will place [the consequences of] their way upon their head — the word of the Lord Hashem/Elohim.”
And the glory of Hashem ascended from over the midst of the city and stood upon the mountain that is east of the city.
Then a wind lifted me and brought me to Chaldea, to the exiles — in the vision, by the spirit of God — then the vision that I had seen departed from upon me.
1 Then a wind picked me up and brought me to the eastern gate of the House of the Lord that faced eastward, and behold at the entrance of the gate twenty-five men, and I saw among them Jaazaniah the son of Azzur and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah, princes of the people.
2 And He said to me, “Son of man, these are the men who plot iniquity and who give evil counsel in this city,
3 Who say, ‘It is not near; build houses; it is the pot, and we are the meat.’
4 Therefore, prophesy about them, prophesy, O son of man.”
5 Then the spirit of the Lord fell upon me, and He said to me; “Say; So said the Lord: So have you said, O house of Israel, and what enters your mind, I know it.
6 You increased your slain in this city, and you filled its streets with slain.
7 Therefore, so said the Lord God: Your slain whom you have laid in the midst of it-they are the meat, and it is the pot, but you [I have decreed to] take out of its midst.
8 You feared the sword, and I will bring the sword upon you, says the Lord God.
9 And I will take you out of its midst, and I will deliver you into the hands of foreigners, and I will execute judgments upon you.
10 You shall fall by the sword; by the border of Israel I will judge you, and you will know that I am the Lord.
11 It will not become a pot for you, but you will become in its midst as meat, by the border of Israel I shall judge you.
12 And you will know that I am the Lord, in Whose statutes you did not go and Whose laws you did not perform, but like the laws of the nations who are around you you did.
13 Now it came to pass as I was prophesying, that Pelatiah the son of Benaiah died, and I fell on my face and cried out with a loud voice, and I said, “Alas, O Lord God, are You making a complete end to the remnant of Israel?”
14 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:
15 “Son of man! Your brethren, your brethren, your kinsmen and the entire house of Israel, all of it, to whom the dwellers of Jerusalem said, ‘Distance yourselves from the Lord; to us has the land been given for an inheritance.’
16 Therefore, say; So said the Lord God: Although I have removed them far off among the nations and although I have scattered them in the lands, I have become for them a minor sanctuary in the lands where they have come.
17 Therefore, say; So said the Lord God: I will gather you from the peoples, and I will assemble you from the lands which you have been scattered therein, and I shall give you the land of Israel.
18 And they will come over there, and they will remove all its detestations and all its abominations from it.
19 And I shall give them one heart, and a new spirit I shall place within them, and I shall remove the heart of stone from their flesh, and I shall give them a heart of flesh.
20 In order that they walk in My statutes and keep My laws and perform them, and they will be My people, and I shall be their God.
21 But [as for those who] to the heart of their detestations and their abominations their hearts go-I have placed their way upon their heads,” says the Lord God.
22 Then the cherubim lifted their wings, and the wheels corresponded to them, and the glory of the God of Israel was over them, from above.
23 And the glory of the Lord rose away from upon the midst of the city, and it stood on the mountain that was on the east of the city.
24 Then a wind lifted me and brought me to the Chaldeans, to the exile, in the vision, with the spirit of God, and it departed from me, the vision that I saw.
25 And I spoke to [the people of] the exile all the words of the Lord that He showed me.
Repent and Obey to be Saved
(Audio Bible)
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