The book of Exodus, known as Shemot in Hebrew, is the second book of the Torah. It continues the narrative of the Israelites’ journey and their development as a nation after the book of Genesis.
The book of Exodus chronicles the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, the revelation of the Ten Commandments and the establishment of the covenant at Mount Sinai, and the journey towards the Promised Land. It highlights the leadership of Moses, the miracles performed by G-d, and the development of the Israelite nation as a chosen people.
Chapter 32
Exodus Chapter 32 Gets Even Clearer Against the Greek Book — New Testament
In Those Days They Made Up Their Own G-d In Disregard Of The One True G-d Who Took Them Out Of The Land Of Egypt
In Our Days Is All The Same — People Want A Tangible G-d As The Greek Book – New Testament Puts It Of G-d Becoming A Man
*The man-made concept of G-d Himself becoming man is completely foreign to the Hebrew-Jewish Scripture. But is everywhere in the Pagan world.
Read Deuteronomy 4:12
Also, someone dying for the sins of many is proven false in this chapter (v. 33).
“The Golden Calf”
“G-d’s Anger”
“Moses’ Prayer”
“The Tablets Were Smashed”
The people saw that Moses had delayed in descending the mountain, and the people gathered around Aaron and said to him, “Rise up, make for us gods that will go before us, for this man Moses who brought us up from the land of Egypt – we do not know what became of him!”
Aaron said to them, “Remove the rings of gold that are in the ears of your wives, sons, and daughters, and bring them to me.”
He took it from their hands and bound it up in a cloth, and fashioned it into a molten calf. They said, “This is your god, O Israel, which brought you up from the land of Egypt.”
Hashem spoke to Moses: “Go, descend – for your people that you brought up from the land of Egypt has become corrupt.
They have strayed quickly from the way that I have commanded them. …
Hashem said to Moses, “I have seen this people, and behold! It is a stiff-necked people.
And now, desist from Me. Let My anger flare up against them and I shall annihilate them; and I shall make you a great nation.”
Moses pleaded before Hashem, his God, and said, “Why, Hashem, should Your anger flare up against Your people, whom You have taken out of the land of Egypt, with great power and strong hand?
… Relent from Your flaring anger and reconsider regarding the evil against Your people.
Remember for the sake of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Yourself, and You told them, ‘I shall increase your offspring like the stars of heaven, and this entire land of which I spoke, I shall give to your offspring and it shall be their heritage forever.’”
Hashem reconsidered regarding the evil that He declared He would do to His people.
Moses turned and descended from the mountain, with the Two Tablets of the Testimony in his hand, Tablets inscribed on both their sides; they were inscribed on one side and the other.
The Tablets were God’s handiwork, and the script was the script of God, engraved on the Tablets.
It happened as he drew near the camp, and saw the calf and the dances, that Moses’ anger flared up. He threw the Tablets from his hands and shattered them at the foot of the mountain.
He took the calf that they had made and burned it in fire. He ground it to a fine powder and sprinkled it over the water. He made the Children of Israel drink.
Moses stood at the gateway of the camp, and said, “Whoever is for Hashem, join me!” – and all the Levites gathered around him.
On the next day, Moses said to the people, “You have committed a grievious sin! And now I shall ascend to Hashem – perhaps I can win atonement in the face of your sin.”
And now if You would but forgive their sin! – but if not, erase me now from Your book that You have written.”
Hashem said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against Me, I shall erase him from My book.
Then Hashem struck the people with a plague, because they had made the calf that Aaron had made.
1 When the people saw that Moses was late in coming down from the mountain, the people gathered against Aaron, and they said to him: “Come on! Make us gods that will go before us, because this man Moses, who brought us up from the land of Egypt we don’t know what has become of him.”
2 Aaron said to them, “Remove the golden earrings that are on the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters and bring them [those earrings] to me.”
3 And all the people stripped themselves of the golden earrings that were on their ears and brought them to Aaron.
4 He took [them] from their hand[s], fashioned it with an engraving tool, and made it into a molten calf, upon which they said: “These are your gods, O Israel, who have brought you up from the land of Egypt!”
5 When Aaron saw [this], he built an altar in front of it, and Aaron proclaimed and said: “Tomorrow shall be a festival to the Lord.”
6 On the next day they arose early, offered up burnt offerings, and brought peace offerings, and the people sat down to eat and to drink, and they got up to make merry.
7 And the Lord said to Moses: “Go, descend, for your people that you have brought up from the land of Egypt have acted corruptly.
8 They have quickly turned away from the path that I have commanded them; they have made themselves a molten calf! And they have prostrated themselves before it, slaughtered sacrifices to it, and said: ‘These are your gods, O Israel, who have brought you up from the land of Egypt.’ “
9 And the Lord said to Moses: “I have seen this people and behold! they are a stiff necked people.
10 Now leave Me alone, and My anger will be kindled against them so that I will annihilate them, and I will make you into a great nation.”
11 Moses pleaded before the Lord, his God, and said: “Why, O Lord, should Your anger be kindled against Your people whom You have brought up from the land of Egypt with great power and with a strong hand?
12 Why should the Egyptians say: ‘He brought them out with evil [intent] to kill them in the mountains and to annihilate them from upon the face of the earth’? Retreat from the heat of Your anger and reconsider the evil [intended] for Your people.
13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, Your servants, to whom You swore by Your very Self, and to whom You said: ‘I will multiply your seed like the stars of the heavens, and all this land which I said that I would give to your seed, they shall keep it as their possession forever.’ “
14 The Lord [then] reconsidered the evil He had said He would do to His people.
15 Now Moses turned and went down from the mountain [bearing] the two tablets of the testimony in his hand, tablets inscribed from both their sides; on one side and on the other side they were inscribed.
16 Now the tablets were God’s work, and the inscription was God’s inscription, engraved on the tablets.
17 When Joshua heard the voice of the people in their shouting, he said to Moses: “There is a voice of battle in the camp!”
18 But [Moses] said: “[It is] neither a voice shouting victory, nor a voice shouting defeat; a voice of blasphemy I hear.”
19 Now it came to pass when he drew closer to the camp and saw the calf and the dances, that Moses’ anger was kindled, and he flung the tablets from his hands, shattering them at the foot of the mountain.
20 Then he took the calf they had made, burned it in fire, ground it to fine powder, scattered [it] upon the surface of the water, and gave [it to] the children of Israel to drink.
21 Moses said to Aaron: “What did this people do to you that you brought [such] a grave sin upon them?”
22 Aaron replied: “Let not my lord’s anger grow hot! You know the people, that they are disposed toward evil.
23 They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will go before us, because this man Moses, who brought us up from the land of Egypt we do not know what has become of him.’
24 I said to them, ‘Who has gold?’ So they took it [the gold] off and gave it to me; I threw it into the fire and out came this calf.”
25 And Moses saw the people, that they were exposed, for Aaron had exposed them to be disgraced before their adversaries.
26 So Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said: “Whoever is for the Lord, [let him come] to me!” And all the sons of Levi gathered around him.
27 He said to them: “So said the Lord, the God of Israel: ‘Let every man place his sword upon his thigh and pass back and forth from one gate to the other in the camp, and let every man kill his brother, every man his friend, every man his kinsman.’ “
28 The sons of Levi did according to Moses’ word; on that day some three thousand men fell from among the people.
29 And Moses said: “Initiate yourselves today for the Lord for each man with his son and with his brother so that He may bestow a blessing upon you this day. “
30 It came to pass on the next day that Moses said to the people: “You have committed a grave sin. And now I will go up to the Lord; perhaps I will obtain atonement for your sin.”
31 And Moses returned to the Lord and said: “Please! This people has committed a grave sin. They have made themselves a god of gold.
32 And now, if You forgive their sin But if not, erase me now from Your book, which You have written.”
33 And the Lord said to Moses: “Whoever has sinned against Me, him I will erase from My book!”
34 And now go, lead the people to [the place] of which I have spoken to you. Behold My angel will go before you. But on the day I make an accounting [of sins upon them], I will bring their sin to account against them.”
35 Then the Lord struck the people with a plague, because they had made the calf that Aaron had made.
(Audio Bible)
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The book of Deuteronomy, also known as Devarim in Hebrew (“Words”), is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament. It contains a series of speeches by Moses to the Israelites, just before they are about to enter the promised land, which summarize and expand upon many of the laws and commandments given in the earlier books of the Torah. The word Deuteronomy literally means “second law,” indicating that Moses is rehearsing the law with the Israelites before they enter the land.
The book is often seen as a sort of farewell address by Moses, containing some of his final instructions and blessings to the people he has led for many years. It emphasizes the importance of following G-d’s commandments and remaining faithful to Him, while warning against the dangers of disobedience and idolatry. Overall, Deuteronomy serves as a significant text in the history of Judaism and Christianity, containing many of the foundational beliefs and values of these religions.

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