On Daily Holy Bible Reading
Ecclesiastes is Koheles in Hebrew, may be questionable in its context first hand. But, its essence is undoubtedly critical to the whole of the Holy Bible. Ecclesiastes by King Solomon, teaches the true purpose of life based on his own experience.
Material blessings obtained (as it may appear) must be used for G-d’s intended purpose, not against Him or for your own selfish gain.
Man’s whole duty is to fear G-d and keep His commandments.
Ecclesiastes On Toil And Gain
Securing more than enough gains for the future of uncertainty is not a good idea.
For it can never save your soul, unless your intention is aligned with that as G-d commands…
Mere riches in this world for your legacy and fame to start with, stay here. It will not carry over for your after life.
“No One Knows What The Future Holds”
Even if he should live a thousand years twice over, but find no contentment — do not all go to the same place?
All man’s toil is for his mouth, yet his wants are never satisfied.
What advantage, then, has the wise man over the fool? What [less] has the pauper who knows how to conduct himself among the living?
Who can possibly know what is good for man in life, during the short span of his futile existence which he should consider like a shadow; who can tell a man what will be after him beneath the sun?
1 There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, and it is prevalent among men.
2 A man whom God gives riches and property and honor, and his soul lacks nothing of all he desires, and God gives him no power to eat of it, but a strange man eats it; this is vanity and a grievous sickness.
3 Should a man beget one hundred [children] and live many years, and he will have much throughout the days of his years, but his soul will not be sated from all the good, neither did he have burial. I said that the stillborn is better than he.
4 For he comes in vanity and goes in darkness, and in darkness his name is covered.
5 Moreover, he did not see the sun nor did he know [it]; this one has more gratification than that one.
6 And if he had lived a thousand years twice and experienced no pleasure, do not all go to one place?
7 All of a person’s toil is for his mouth, and is the appetite not yet sated?
8 For what is the advantage of the wise over the fool? What [less] has the poor man who knows how to go along with the living?
9 Better is what he sees with his eyes than that which goes to sate his appetite; this too is vanity and frustration.
10 What was, its name was already called, and it is known that he is a man, and he will not be able to strive with him who is stronger than he.
11 For there are many things that increase vanity; what will remain for a man?
12 For who knows what is good for man in his lifetime, the number of the days of his life of vanity, that he do them like a shadow, for who will tell man what will be after him under the sun?
The Book Of Ecclesiastes | Kohelet
The ultimate goal in life is fearing and serving G-d.
All the rest is futile.
Success of this world is nothing but futile.
Man as the only creature with G-dly soul, must set higher goals; than merely achieving what is not eternal in the material world you live in.
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