On Daily Holy Bible Reading
Ecclesiastes is Koheles in Hebrew, may be questionable in its context first hand. But, its essence is undoubtedly critical to the whole of the Holy Bible. Ecclesiastes by King Solomon, teaches the true purpose of life based on his own experience.
Material blessings obtained (as it may appear) must be used for G-d’s intended purpose, not against Him or for your own selfish gain.
Man’s whole duty is to fear G-d and keep His commandments.
Ecclesiastes Continues On Lessons You May Not Know
Being alone is not a good idea. Having someone is better.
If you are taught that sacrifice does it all, think again.
Drawing near and listening to G-d is far best.
“Encouragement Of Having A Companion”
“Mere Offering Sacrifice Is Sin”
And I saw that all labor and all skillful enterprise spring from man’s rivalry with his neighbor. This, too, is futility and a vexation of the spirit!
Better is one handful of pleasantness than two fistfuls of labor and vexation of the spirit.
Better is a poor but wise youth than an old and foolish king who no longer knows how to take care of himself,
Guard your foot when you go to the House of God; better to draw near and hearken than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not consider that they do evil.
1 But I returned and saw all the oppressed who are made [so] under the sun, and behold, the tears of the oppressed, and they have no consoler, and from the hand of their oppressors there is power, but they have no consoler.
2 And I praise the dead who have already died, more than the living who are still alive.
3 And better than both of them is he who has not yet been, who has not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.
4 And I saw all the toil and all the excellence of work, which is a man’s envy of his friend; this too is vanity and frustration.
5 The fool folds his hands and eats his own flesh.
6 Better is a handful of ease than two handfuls of toil and frustration.
7 And I returned and saw vanity under the sun.
8 There is one, and there is no second; yea, he has neither son nor brother, and there is no end to all his toil; neither is his eye sated from wealth. Now for whom do I toil and deprive my soul of pleasure? This too is vanity and an unhappy affair.
9 Two are better than one, since they have good reward for their toil.
10 For if they fall, one will lift up his friend, but woe to the one who falls and has no second one to lift him up.
11 Moreover, if two lie down, they will have warmth, but how will one have warmth?
12 And if a man prevails against the one, the two will stand against him, and a three- stranded cord will not quickly be broken.
13 Better a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king, who no longer knows to receive admonition.
14 For out of the prison he has come to reign, for even in his kingdom, he becomes humble.
15 I saw all the living who walk under the sun, with the second child who will rise in his stead.
16 There is no end to all the people, to all that were before them; also the last ones will not rejoice with him, for this too is vanity and frustration.
17 Watch your feet when you go to the House of God, and be ready to obey rather than fools should give sacrifice, for they know not that they do evil.
The Book Of Ecclesiastes | Kohelet
The ultimate goal in life is fearing and serving G-d.
All the rest is futile.
Success of this world is nothing but futile.
Man as the only creature with G-dly soul, must set higher goals; than merely achieving what is not eternal in the material world you live in.
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