On Daily Holy Bible Reading
Ecclesiastes is Koheles in Hebrew, may be questionable in its context first hand. But, its essence is undoubtedly critical to the whole of the Holy Bible. Ecclesiastes by King Solomon, teaches the true purpose of life based on his own experience.
Material blessings obtained (as it may appear) must be used for G-d’s intended purpose, not against Him or for your own selfish gain.
Man’s whole duty is to fear G-d and keep His commandments.
Ecclesiastes Takes On Realization Of Wealth, Achievements, Being Wise, Against A Fool…
All your accomplishments will not merit you on the day of judgment. Unless, you used it mainly for G-d’s intended purpose as taught by His servants the prophets.
Find time to learn by yourself and on your own. Do not easily or blindly believe others that may be misleading you towards their own understanding and personal goal.
“Wise Versus Fool”
I said to myself: Come, I will experiment with joy and enjoy pleasure. That, too, turned out to be futile.
I acted in grand style: I built myself houses, I planted vineyards;
… I also owned more possessions, both cattle and sheep, than all of my predecessors in Jerusalem;
I amassed even silver and gold for myself, … and with every human luxury — chests and chests of them.
Whatever my eyes desired I did not deny them; I did not deprive myself of any kind of joy. …
Then I looked at all the things that I had done and the energy I had expended in doing them; it was clear that it was all futile… — and there is no real profit under the sun.
… — for what can man who comes after the king do? It has already been done.
And I perceived that wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness.
The wise man has his eyes in his head, whereas a fool walks in darkness. …
… because everything is futile and a vexation of the spirit.
Thus I hated all my achievements laboring under the sun, for I must leave it to the man who succeeds me — and who knows whether he will be wise or foolish?
For all his days are painful, and his business is a vexation; even at night his mind has no rest. This, too, is futility!
To the man who pleases Him He has given wisdom, knowledge and joy; but to the sinner He has given the urge to gather and amass — that he may give it over to one who is pleasing to God. …
1 I said to myself, “Come now, I will mix [wine] with joy and experience pleasure”; and behold, this too was vanity.
2 Of laughter, I said, “[It is] mingled”; and concerning joy, “What does this accomplish?”
3 I searched in my heart to indulge my body with wine, and my heart conducting itself with wisdom and holding onto folly, until I would see which is better for the children of men that they should do under the heavens, the number of the days of their lives.
4 I made myself great works; I built myself houses, and I planted myself vineyards.
5 I made myself gardens and orchards, and I planted in them all sorts of fruit trees.
6 I made myself pools of water, to water from them a forest sprouting with trees.
7 I acquired male and female slaves, and I had household members; also I had possession of cattle and flocks, more than all who were before me in Jerusalem.
8 I accumulated for myself also silver and gold, and the treasures of the kings and the provinces; I acquired for myself various types of musical instruments, the delight of the sons of men, wagons and coaches.
9 So I became great, and I increased more than all who were before me in Jerusalem; also my wisdom remained with me.
10 And [of] all that my eyes desired I did not deprive them; I did not deprive my heart of any joy, but my heart rejoiced with all my toil, and this was my portion from all my toil.
11 Then I turned [to look] at all my deeds that my hands had wrought and upon the toil that I had toiled to do, and behold everything is vanity and frustration, and there is no profit under the sun.
12 And I turned to see wisdom and madness and folly, for what is the man who will come after the king, concerning that which they have already done?
13 And I saw that wisdom has an advantage over folly, as the advantage of light over darkness.
14 The wise man has eyes in its beginning, but the fool goes in the darkness, and I too know that one event happens to them all.
15 And I said to myself, “As it happens to the fool, so will it happen to me too, so why then did I become wiser?” And I said to myself that this too is vanity.
16 For there is no remembrance of the wise man even as of the fool forever, seeing that in the coming days, all is forgotten. And how shall the wise die with the fool?
17 So I hated the living, for the deed that was done under the sun grieved me, for everything is vanity and frustration.
18 And I hated all my toil that I toil under the sun, that I should leave it to the man who will be after me.
19 And who knows whether he will be wise or foolish. And he will rule over all my toil that I have toiled and that I have gained wisdom under the sun; this too is vanity.
20 And I turned about to cause my heart to despair concerning all the toil that I toiled under the sun.
21 For there is a man whose toil is with wisdom and with knowledge and with honesty and to a man who did not toil for it he will give it as his portion; this too is vanity and a great evil.
22 For what has a man out of all his toil and the breaking of his heart that he toils under the sun?
23 For all his days are pains and his occupation is vexation; even at night his heart does not rest; this too is vanity.
24 Is it not good for a man that he eat and drink and show himself enjoyment in his toil? This too have I seen that it is from the hand of God.
25 For who will eat and who will hasten [to swallow it] except me?
26 For to a man who is good in His sight, He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner He has given an occupation to gather and to accumulate, to give to him who is good in God’s sight; this too is vanity and frustration.
The Book Of Ecclesiastes | Kohelet
The ultimate goal in life is fearing and serving G-d.
All the rest is futile.
Success of this world is nothing but futile.
Man as the only creature with G-dly soul, must set higher goals; than merely achieving what is not eternal in the material world you live in.
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