GOD Said… II

How G-d is treated today? Criterion is: It must benefit me. Then that's it. That is the G-d whom I worship no matter what. Whether in truth or lie; ignorance or foolishness, it will remain my G-d. READ: 22 Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man boast of…

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GOD Said…

Then they will know that You - Whose Name is Hashem - are alone, Most High over all the earth. Tehillim (Psalm) 83:19 Devarim (Deuteronomy) 4:15-19 And you shall watch yourselves very well, for you did not see any image on the day that the Lord spoke to you at…

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"The True Prophecy" Bereishit (Genesis) Chapter 49 "Judah - you, your brothers shall acknowledge; your hand will be at your enemies' nape; your father's sons will prostrate themselves to you. v. 8 The scepter shall not depart from Judah... v. 10 This is about the Jews. The honest and correct…

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Why Jesus is not Jesus in the New Testament - made up by the Romans What he is and what he is not... as the Romans made it up "Christianity did not convert Rome. But Rome converted Christianity" When did a miraculous birth, be the birth of a Messiah or…

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READ: For I am Hashem your God - you are to sanctify yourselves and you shall be holy, for I am holy; and you shall not contaminate yourselves through any teeming thing that creeps on the earth. For I am Hashem Who elevates you from the land of Egypt to…

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  List of Foods Clean Foods "YOU MAY EAT" Antelope Bison Buffalo Cattle Caribou Deer Elk Gazelle Giraffe Goat Hart Ibex Moose Reindeer Sheep Albacore Anchovy Bass Bluefish Bonita Carp Cod Crappie Drum Flounder Garfish Grouper Grunt Haddock Halibut Hardhead Herring Mackerel Minnow Perch Pickerel Pike Rockfish Salmon Shad Sheepshead…

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