On Daily Holy Bible Reading
The Book of Amos with nine chapters
Amos was a shepherd before receiving prophecy that stirred the people of his fearless words.
Behold, days are coming –
the word of the Lord Hashem/Elohim –
when I will send hunger into the land; not a hunger for bread nor a thirst for water;
but to hear the words of Hashem.
Hashem Is His Name
Amos On False Teachings Of Setting Aside G-d’s Commandments
This is exactly what the Greek book – New Testament is all about because of Jesus’ (so called) crucifixion, death and resurrection.
Not true? It only proves you do not know your New Testament (Galatians & Hebrew alone are more than enough to read and see its falsehood).
“The Four Sins Of Moab…”
“…Of Judah”
“The Sins Of Israel”
“Ungrateful Nation”
Thus said Hashem: For three transgressions of Judah [I have looked away], but for four I will not pardon them — for their despising the Torah of Hashem and not observing His statutes; their falsehoods that their fathers followed have corrupted them.
Thus said Hashem: For three transgressions of Israel [I have looked away], but for four I will not pardon them — for their selling a righteous man for money, and a poor man for shoes.
… and they twist the judgment of the humble; a man and his father go to a maiden in order to desecrate My holy Name.
I brought you up from the land of Egypt and I led you through the wilderness for forty years, to take possession of the land of the Amorite.
I established some of your sons as prophets and some of your young men as nazirites, is this not so, O Children of Israel? — the word of Hashem.
But you gave the nazirites wine to drink and you commanded the prophets, saying, ‘Do not prophesy.’
1 So said the Lord: For three transgressions of Moab, yea for four, I will not return them; for he burnt the bones of the king of Edom to lime.
2 And I will send fire into Moab, and it shall consume the palaces of Kerioth, and Moab shall die amidst the tumult, with shouting, with the sound of the shophar.
3 And I will cut off a judge from within it, and all its princes I will slay with him, says the Lord.
4 So said the Lord: For three transgressions of Judah, yea for four, I will not return them; for they rejected the Law of the Lord, and they did not keep His statutes, and their lies mislead them, which their forefathers followed.
5 And I will send a fire into Judah, and it shall consume the palaces of Jerusalem.
6 So said the Lord: For three transgressions of Israel, yea for four, I will not return them; For selling an innocent man for money, and a poor man in order to lock [the fields].
7 Who aspire on the dust of the earth concerning the head of the poor, and they pervert the way of the humble, and a man and his father go to the maid, in order to profane My Holy Name.
8 And they recline on pledged garments beside every altar, and the wine of the fined ones they drink in the house of their gods.
9 And I destroyed the Amorites from before them, whose height is as the height of the cedar trees, and they are as strong as oaks, and I destroyed his fruit from above and his roots from below.
10 And I brought you up from the land of Egypt, and I led you in the desert for forty years, to inherit the land of the Amorites.
11 And I raised up some of your sons as prophets and some of your young men as Nazirites; is this not so, O children of Israel? says the Lord.
12 And you gave the Nazirites to drink wine, and you commanded the prophets saying, “Do not prophesy.”
13 Behold, I will oppress your dwelling place, as a wagon full of sheaves is oppressed.
14 And escape shall be lost to the swift, and the strong shall not gain strength, nor shall the mighty man deliver himself.
15 And he who holds the bow shall not stand, and the fleetfooted shall not deliver, and the rider of the horse shall not deliver himself.
16 And the stout-hearted among the mighty shall flee naked on that day, says the Lord.
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