We do not belong to any group or religion.
We are not controlled by any founder, leader or financier.
We are all about what G-d has spoken as it is written.

Whether you will accept it or not, it remains the Truth
as G-d has told.

If you are this type of individual, welcome!

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Bro. Edward C.


Brief Timeline Bio

Born and raised a Catholic.

First attended Born Again Christian gathering during secondary school.

Baptized in another Christian group entering into college.

Over 10 years of secular life spent after college.

Returned to the same Christian group overseas and been active.

Devoting more serious time reading, studying, learning and preaching the Holy Bible (both Old and New Testament) over time.

Until coming to know the naked truth about the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament).

That all new or strange teachings in the Greek book – New Testament are contrary to the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament); such as:

1. G-d becoming a man.
2. G-d being a Human Sacrifice and nailed on the Cross as offered by non-Jewish people (Roman Soldiers) at an unholy place (Mt. Calvary or place of Skull).
3. G-d Himself is the Messiah who died, resurrected and is Coming Back.
4. G-d is 3-in-1, Triune or Trinity.
5. G-d abolishing His Commandments.
6. G-d only require faith alone or believe only in Jesus or the Messiah; works is no longer acceptable.
7. G-d choosing the church rather than His people — the Jews.

Thus, renounced the Christian faith or the worship of Jesus, and quit reading the Greek book – New Testament; except for verification purpose only.

To fast forward since then, more truth is unraveled from the Hebrew Scripture (Torah, Tanach or Old Testament) and are being published on this website and posted on social media.
As it is written:

The sum of the matter, when all has been considered: Fear God and keep His commandments, for that is man’s whole duty.
Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) 12:13

Holy Bible Reading


Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation, to You I have hoped all the day.Tehillim (Psalms) 25:5

To Serve Hashem

NOT to impress people or men

Take Part In Spreading The Truth According To The Hebrew Scriptures; Not The Greek Book!

Thank You