The Books of I and II Samuel, also known as the Books of Samuel (originally one book), recount the life and times of the prophet Samuel, the establishment of the Israelite monarchy, and the reigns of the first two kings of Israel, Saul and David. They provide insights into the political, religious, and social aspects of ancient Israel during that period. Samuel (Shmuel in Hebrew) anointed both Saul and David as kings of Israel with the approval of G-d and at His command.
Samuel is the greatest of all the judges, and a prophet who was of the same stature of Moses and Aaron.
The most coverage of this book in its context is centered in the life of David. Known as man of faith, unselfish leader, great warrior, loyal friend, compassionate in victory, humble in defeat, and model of repentance.
Chapter 3
Samuel Chapter 3 Accounts His Youth and Innocence
Hashem Sees Each And Every Deed
Samuel received the prophecy against Eli and his sons, for his sons were evil.
Eli, no question asked, accepted the bitter decree against his house.
Learn that it is not a guarantee if one is righteous, and his sons will be as he is or was. Eli’s sons are perfect examples as it was with Nadab and Abihu – the sons of Aaron.
“Hashem Call to Samuel”
“The Downfall of the House of Eli”
The lad Samuel was serving Hashem before Eli. The word of Hashem was scarce in those days; vision was not widespread.
Hashem called to Samuel, and he said, “Here I am.”
He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” But he said, “I did not call; go back and lie down.” so he went and lay down.
Hashem continued to call, “Samuel!”, a third time, … Then Eli realized that Hashem was calling the lad.”
Eli said to Samuel, “Go and lie down; and if He calls you, you should say, ‘Speak, Hashem, for Your servant is listening.’” Samuel went and lay down in his place.
Hashem came and appeared, and called as the other times, “Samuel, Samuel!” and Samuel said, “Speak, for Your servant is listening.”
I have told him that I am executing judgment against his house forever for the sin [he committed] that he was aware that his sons were blaspheming themselves and he did not ensure them.
Therefore I have sworn concerning the house of Eli that the sin of the house of Eli would never be atoned for by sacrifice or meal-offering.”
Eli called Samuel and said, “Samuel, my son!” and he said, “Here I am.”
He said, “What is the word that He spoke to you? Please do not withhold from me! Such shall God do to you and such shall He do further, if you withhold from me anything from the word that He spoke to you!”
Samuel told him all the words and did not withhold from him. [Eli] said, “He is Hashem; He will do what is good in His eyes.”
Samuel grew up, and Hashem was with him; He did not cast any of his words to the ground.
All of Israel, from Dan to Beer-sheba, knew that Samuel was faithful as a prophet to Hashem.
[Thus] Hashem once again appeared in Shiloh, for Hashem appeared to Samuel in Shiloh, with the word of Hashem.
1 And the lad Samuel was serving the Lord before Eli. Now the word of the Lord was withheld in those days; vision had not broken through.
2 And it was on that day, that Eli was lying in his place, and his eyes had begun to grow dim; he could not see.
3 And the lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down. In the Temple of the Lord, where the Ark of God was.
4 The Lord called to Samuel, and he said, “Here I am.”
5 And he ran to Eli, and said, “Here I am, for you have called me.” And he said, “I did not call. Go back and lie down.” And he went and lay down.
6 And the Lord continued to call again to Samuel, and Samuel arose, and went to Eli, and said, “Here I am, for you have called me.” And he said, “I have not called, my son. Go back and lie down.”
7 Now, Samuel had not yet known the Lord, and the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him.
8 And the Lord continued to call Samuel for the third time; and he arose and went to Eli, and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” And Eli understood that that the Lord was calling the youth.
9 And Eli said to Samuel, “Go, lie down. And it shall be, if He will call you, that you shall say, ‘Speak, O Lord, for Your bondsman is listening.’ ” And Samuel went and lay down in his place.
10 And the Lord came and stood, and He called as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for Your bondsman is listening.”
11 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Behold, I am about to do something in Israel, about which the two ears of everyone who hears it, will tingle.
12 On that day, I shall execute against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his household, beginning and ending.
13 And I have told him that I am about to execute judgment upon his household forever, for the iniquity (of the matter) that he knew that his sons were bringing disgrace upon themselves, and he did not rebuke them.
14 And, therefore, I have sworn to the house of Eli, that the iniquity of the house of Eli shall not be purged by sacrifice or by offering forever.”
15 And Samuel lay down until the morning, and he opened the doors of the House of the Lord. And Samuel was afraid to relate the vision to Eli.
16 And Eli called Samuel, and said, “Samuel, my son!” And he said, “Here I am.”
17 And he said, “What is the thing which He spoke to you? Do not conceal from me now. So shall God do to you, and so shall He continue, if you conceal from me anything of the whole matter which He spoke to you.”
18 And Samuel told him all the things and did not conceal from him. And he said, “He is the Lord. May He do what is good in His eyes.”
19 And Samuel grew up, and the Lord was with him, and did not let any of his words fall to the ground.
20 And all Israel from Dan to Beer Sheba, knew that Samuel was established as a prophet to the Lord.
21 And the Lord continued to appear in Shiloh, for the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh with the word of the Lord.
(Audio Bible)
To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice
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